Tuesday, April 17, 2012

10th Grade - Macbeth

Hey folks!

Good job acting today; had a blast acting out Scenes 1-3 of Act 1.

We simply discussed (well, not that it's SIMPLE) iambic pentameter - 5 stressed syllables per line of writing. Rhythm: ta-TUM, ta-TUM, ta-TUM, ta-TUM, ta-TUM - remember, mastering the rhythm will help you master how the lines are read. It's not an easy read, but it is definitely WORTH the effort to understand the beautiful prose.

We also talked about Macbeth's character - what is racing through his mind at the end of Act 3?
We discussed the Witches' prophecies: 3 to Macbeth, 3 to Banquo.
Macbeth's prophecies:
1) Hail, thane of Glamis (he already IS Thane of Glamis)
2) Hail, thane of Cawdor (Duncan pronounced him Cawdor many miles away in scene 2, but Macbeth was not there, and thus had no idea he was getting the title, Cawdor)
3) Hail, king hereafter (we'll see about this one... =)

Banquo's prophecies:
1) Lesser than Macbeth, but more... (maybe lesser in TITLE, but more in MORALITY??)
2) Not so happy, and much happier... (maybe something bad happens, but it's for the best???)
3) Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none... (Your kiddos will be king, but they won't inherit that title from YOU)

HW: Read scenes 4 and 5 (IV and V), and practice writing lines in iambic pentameter.


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